I can identify the general topic and some basic information in both very familiar and everyday contexts by recognizing practised or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences in texts that are spoken, written or signed.
I can communicate in spontaneous spoken, written, or signed conversations on both very familiar & everyday topics, using a variety of practised or memorized words, phrases, simple
sentences, & questions.
I can understand the main idea and some pieces of information on familiar topics from sentences and series of connected sentences within texts that are spoken, written, or signed.
I can participate in spontaneous spoken,
written, or signed conversations on familiar topics, creating sentences and series of sentences to ask and answer a variety of questions.
I can interpret and infer meaning from complex, academic, and professional texts on a range of unfamiliar, abstract, and specialized issues that are spoken, written, or signed.
I can participate fully and effectively in spontaneous spoken, written, or signed discussions and debates
on issues and ideas ranging from broad general interests to my areas of specialized expertise, including
supporting arguments.
I can present information on both very
familiar and everyday topics using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences through spoken, written, or signed language.
I can communicate information, make presentations, and express my thoughts
about familiar topics, using sentences and a series of connected sentences through spoken, written, or signed language.
I can deliver detailed and organized
presentations on familiar as well as unfamiliar concrete topics, in
paragraphs and using various time frames through spoken, written, or signed language.